Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And so it begins.....again.

Clearly I haven't been disciplined enough to keep a journal but I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head I thought that writing them down might be helpful for me-and who knows-maybe even someone else (if I ever even tell anyone else about this). I may just prefer anonymity.....but somewhere in my crazy mind I am better able to formulate my thoughts if I feel like I have an audience. So-let's pretend shall we? Maybe it is because I read SO MANY books written about dieting that my words are starting to take the shape of the authors I am so desperate to learn from.

I named this Mommy Weight (Mama wait!!!) because my youngest child is almost 5 years old so I can no longer refer to these extra 45(60?)ish pounds as baby weight.  Mommy weight seems a little closer to the mark because I actually gained the majority of this weight AFTER my children were born. I had very easy pregnancies gaining less than 20 pound with each one and losing that weight within weeks of delivery. The problem was that I enjoyed eating for 2 so much that I continued to eat that much (and more if I am being very honest) when I was no longer pregnant or nursing and the pounds piled on....and on and on and on!

The other reason I call this Mama because it does seem that when you are the Mama everything that you need has to wait. Wait until the kids are fed, wait until Daddy gets home from another trip. Wait until I get home from work....until the laundry is done, until the kitchen is clean, until dinner is cooked and served and cleaned up after. Until the kids are bathed and in bed.....the list could go on and on and on!